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Professional Training Programs for February 2017

February 2017 Training Programs:

1.    Financial Management Skills and

2.    Introduction to SPSS and Data Analysis


1.    Financial Management Skills

Be an independent financial analyst

Training date: February 15-16, 2017

Last date to apply: 13 February 2017


This training is aimed to provide an expert overview of the skills that are essentially required to better understand and perform in the financial management field. This training is a good source of knowledge also for those currently in the non-financial field but looking to get firsthand knowledge. The training methodology is based on interactive sessions supported with presentations and practical tasks. People registering should have laptops with excel installed in it.


1.     Time value of money

2.     Financial statements, cash flow etc.

3.     Tax planning and issues (with complete set of tax regulations)

4.     Cost management

5.     Budgeting and its process

6.     Budgeting techniques and presentation

7.     Predicting expenditure

8.     Auditing and government reporting

9.     Advance excel skills for financial analysis

a.     Dashboard reporting

b.     What-if Analysis

c.     Automating your work using macros

d.     Auditing tools

e.     And pivot tables and pivot charts

10.  And other skills as per participants’ requirements

For more information, please visit the following link:

2.    Introduction to SPSS and Data Analysis

Be an independent socio-economic analyst

Training Dates: February 22-23, 2017

Last date to apply: 20 February 2017

Data Analysis techniques are an essential component that Research and M&E sections of organisations should learn. Research Analytics International works with local, national and international organisations to develop their capacity to enable them professionally to be self-sufficient to complete data analysis and reporting tasks after completion of research components of different projects. This training will be practical in which real data will be used to train participants to learn SPSS, its different functions and to analyse and interpret results.

Following are the modules that will be covered during training sessions.

Module I

•    Introduction to SPSS from Basic to Advance 

•    Type of Data Analysis 

•    Types of Variables 

•    Types of Scales 

•    Understanding SPSS Windows (Data View, Variable View, and Syntax) 

•    Database making, data entry and cleaning 

•    Importing Data Into SPSS 

•    Descriptive Statistics/Frequencies, Cross Tabulation, Graphs 

•    Measuring Central Tendency (Mean, Mode, Median) 

•    Generating New Variable 

•    Recoding into same variable 

•    Recoding into different variable 

•    Computing 

•    Nine Essential Commands of SPSS (Syntax Interface) 

•    Exporting Output 


Module II

•    Introduction to Advance Analysis (needs and requirements) 

•    Hypothesis testing 

•    Defining Null and Alternative Hypothesis 

•    Parametric and non-Parametric Tests 

•    T tests: One sample t test; Independent sample t test; Paired sample t test 

•    Chi-Square test: Goodness of fit test; Independence test 

•    Bivariate and Multivariate analysis 

•    Correlation 

•    Regression: Linear regression; Multiple regression; Binary logistic regression; 

•    Multinomial logistic regression

•  Interpretation of results of advance analysis


For more information, please visit at this link.

Contact us for more details:

Research Analytics International 

Suite 407, 4th Floor, Royal Centre, 106 West, Fazal ul Haq Road, Blue Area, Islamabad 

Tel: +92 51 8444297/2806093, Email: 

Web: www.researchanalyticsintl.org. Facebook: www.facebook.com/raipvt