RAI | Projects



Role of mobile devices in determining students academic performances

With the changing learning context, mobile devices as a sub-set of eLearning are considered an important factor towards learning at the move. However, there are many conflicting approaches on whether mobile devices should be allowed in the schools or not. Mobile learning is still being debated in the developed world as a tool for education but proponents argue that through mobile learning, the gap between formal and informal education can be reduced. 

Since schools and colleges are bound to their curriculums that are mostly based on in-class instructional based teaching system, there is a lack of interest from schools to allow mobile devices inside classes. The reasons are: mobiles are not taken up for the learning purposes, rather for social interaction, communication and leisure activities including gaming etc. 

Role of mobile devices in determining students academic performances

In this project, Research Analytics International is looking to determine the use of mobile phones for educational purposes and their impact on educational outcomes.