- RAIProject
Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS)
Community Based Monitoring System (CBMS) is an international methodology, developed and supported by PEP Network and is being used across the world to provide data for inclusive growth at community level. This methodology has successfully filling the data gap enabling development stakeholders to measure MDGs and SDGs at community level.
The CBMS-Pakistan titled "CBMS Development Initiative to Reap the Demographic Dividend in the Helm of 18th Amendment in Pakistan" is based on the theme of "Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship (YEE)" and it is aimed to fill the data gap on youth related indicators for the Punjab Youth Policy 2012.
Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship
CBMS-Pakistan worked with district and local governments and provides data on selected community indicators and on specific YEE indicators and results are analyzed to produce workable policy guidelines enabling policy makers to ensure inclusive growth and to device policies at local level to reap the benefits of youth bulge at local level.